SBSFs Elitutvecklingsplan

Sen vi redovisade jobbet med Elitutvecklingsplanen vid årsmötet i våras, har jobbet fortsatt och vi har fått fram en Elitutvecklingsplan som vi nu har att förhålla oss till.
Elitutvecklingsplanen var ett av alla dokument vi bifogade när vi i augusti sökte extra projektstöd från Riksidrottsförbundet för perioden 2018-2019, för att visa att vi har en långsiktig plan för vår verksamhet.
Det var även Elitutvecklingsplanen vi diskuterade när vi i början av september fick en sittning med SOK för att prata framtida satsningar mot OS.
Andy Berglund sammanfattar mötet med SOK så här:
”We had a meeting on September 5th with four members of the Sweden Olympic Committee to discuss cooperation, our elite plan and our overall goals and development for the future.
Senior national team coaches Mattias Grimstoft (Softball) and Jim Sasko (Baseball) joined myself and Thomas Claesson of the SBSF to present the Elite Plan and discuss many important steps forward for our baseball and softball development. The meeting itself was met with tough questions, but we were prepared to answer all of them. The SOK was very impressed and interested in our Elite Plan and we set steps for further meetings and cooperation in the future.
A big topic of discussion was where our sports stand now in terms of number of players and how we are working to grow that number. When the SOK sees that we have 0 registered players in the youth programs of a lot of clubs, it raises major Red Flags.
Yes, we have seen a growth in the registration numbers of players this year, and some clubs have really stepped up (Stockholm had the most overall registered players and Leksand did a tremendous job having the most youth registered players).
But we as a Federation and each of our clubs needs to continue to look for ways to grow our number of players and coaches.
The initial goal coming in was to double the number of U12 boys and girls playing to 150 total by next year.
This is certainly within reach if we all work extremely hard together on this. I plan to do a week-long trip to Sundsvall next week in particular to work with their Fritidsprojekt and grow their number of players coming from schools.
Sundsvall is being and has been very proactive this year in terms of looking for ways to develop. We as a Federation and all of our clubs need to look at their example of proactiveness and work together to do the same.
We discussed at length our 3, 5 and 10 year vision, including bringing in strong coaches for baseball and softball national programs and elite training, continuing to develop our top young talented players across the country and improving Sweden’s standing in Europe in baseball and softball.
All of this, is going to take a lot of hard work.
We. Need. Doers. For the Elite Plan to really progress forward, we need doers. And we will recruit doers.
The biggest cooperation all of Sweden can continue to work on is growing their number of players (with school visits, fritidsprojekts, etc), improving the overall coaching (we plan to do Coach Certification courses this off-season) and just being proactive in promoting your clubs (websites, videos, Facebook) and thinking outside the box in terms of finding ways to grow and improve the clubs.
The Elite Plan is a very proactive and aggressive plan to drive Sweden baseball and softball forward.
The only way it truly works is all of us in Sweden baseball and softball cooperating and communicating professionally and proactively together. We can grow the number of players. We can grow the number of coaches. We can improve the funding and fundraising. We can improve the marketing. And we definitely can put Sweden back up towards the top of European baseball and softball.
With a plan and a vision.
Let’s be really good at driving our young players forward so baseball and softball have a stronger future here in Sweden. Heja Sverige!”
Precis som Andy skriver, behöver vi hjälpas åt att tillsammans se till att vi når våra uppsatta mål.
Helgen 6-7 oktober träffas styrelsen och representanter från våra utskott för att se över en ny organisation och hur vi på bästa sätt centralt jobbar tillsammans för att nå våra mål och på bästa sätt underlättar och hjälper Er föreningar att kunna bidra till våra mål.
Har ni frågor/funderingar kring Elitutvecklingsplanen kontakta Andy Berglund (
Publicerad: 2017-09-14
Senast uppdaterad: 2017-09-15