JEM Softboll:
Sista plats för svenskorna Nej, det ville sig inte för Sveriges juniorlandslag i softboll. Det blev sista plats i JEM efter att man förlorat placeringsmatchen mot Ukraina med 9-2 - för övrigt Ukrainas första seger i Junior-EM Softboll.
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Resultat och referat från Sveriges matcher:
Ukraina - Sverige 9-2 (5 innings) Referat: Lewis Hamilton Statistik från matchen
We started badly giving up 6 runs in the first inning on a combination of walks, hit by pitch and a couple of hits. This was the worst inning for us in the whole tournment! After this start we managed to come back and score 2 runs with Lina Larssen, with a 2 base hit, and Ronja Lenander with a single doing the damage for us. We continued to have opportunities but could not get any more runs and finished the game with the Ukranians scoring 3 more on a combination of bunts and errors.
Final result 9-2 to Ukraine. Again we did not give up but on the day they were the better team. Tournament now over for us so off to the pool, some shopping and watching some top softball!!
Sverige - Frankrike 8-9 (8 innings) Referat: Lewis Hamilton Statistik från matchen
Turned out to be an exciting game with the French winning in a tiebreak eigth inning.
The game was fairly even with us jumping out to a 2-0 lead with Sofia Svensk driving in the runs. They then equalised but we took two more runs in the third with Anna Rosenkvist and Ronja Lenander getting hits to score Elsa and Anna. France equalised again through a combination of hits and our errors so in the fourth it was 4-4. They went ahead in the seventh by one run and so in our last turn at bat we had to score. This we did with Johanna Svensson hitting safely and being batted in by Maria Bergqvist.
Then into the tiebreak where a bit of controversy started. The French had a runner on third and she collided at home with the umpire on a squeeze play, we tagged the runner before she made it to home but none of the umpires saw this and ruled her safe. Tough blow for us as this was the third out and they then put together two hits to score 3 runs in the inning. Sadly, even though we scored two in our turn it was not enough so we went down 8-7.
Credit goes to our girls who never gave up and were still right there at the end and with a little more application we could have won. Johanna Svennson had a good day, catching for five innings and then pitching for the last three so her effort was tremendous.
Sverige - Ryssland 0-17 (4 innings) Inget referat finns tillgängligt Statistik från matchen
Sverige - Spanien 1-9 (6 innings) Referat: Lewis Hamilton Statistik från matchen
We lost to Spain, 1-9 in 6 innings. Their pitching was too good but again we did not give up, everybody was swinging hard. Good performance from Maria Bergström, Lisa Schölin and pitcher Johanna Svensson. We are struggling with the speed of the opposing pitchers. Team spirit is great, everybody is positive and encouraging.
Italien - Sverige 8-0 (5 innings) Referat: Lewis Hamilton Statistik från matchen
Had a good game this morning even though we went down 8 - 0. Game for us belonged to Elsa Sjogren who managed to get the only hit for us and reached base two out of two. She also came to pitch replacing Sofia Svensk on the mound in the first inning, only giving up 3 hits but allowed 5 walks and this combined with a couple of errors allowed the score to creep up so the game finished in the 5th inning.
Positive signs for us were that we kept trying and only had three strikeouts against us so everybody is swinging the bat okay and we shall be better once we see some pitching that will be a little slower. Apart from Elsa other players to have good games were Maria Bergstrom, Ameli Skoglund (who took a great catch playing at shortstop) and Sofia Svensk.
Shortly we take on Spain so we are hopefull of a better result from this. The weather is too hot, 33 degrees which may be having some effect on us a little.
Tjeckien - Sverige 17-1 (4 innings) Referat: Lewis Hamilton Statistik från matchen
We started well in the first with first batter Lisa Scholin making base safely with a bunt but unfortunately taken out on a steal. However we were to score a run with Elsa getting on, Sofia Svensk walking and Anna Rosenkvist with an RBI. We left the inning with loaded bases, a bit of a shame.
In the Czech turn at bat, with Elsa Sjogren pitching they unfortunately went through 16 batters and jumped out to a 12-1 lead on a combination of good bunts, hits and some mental errors by us.
They continued to score more and the game finished in the fourth inning. All credit should go to our team as they never gave up and looked pretty good in the box, all having a go at the pitches, I think only 2 strikeouts. Johanna Svensson came on to pitch in the second inning and did a good job reducing the run flow for us but overall they were too strong and should probably be one of the teams in the top four.
Sveriges matcher: Måndag 7 augusti: Tjeckien - Sverige 17-1 (4 innings) Tisdag 8 augusti: Italien - Sverige 8-0 (5 innings) Tisdag 8 augusti: Sverige - Spanien 1-9 (6 innings) Onsdag 9 augusti: Sverige - Ryssland (kl 15:00) Torsdag 10 augusti: Sverige - Frankrike (kl 15:00)
Placeringsmatcher och slutspelsmatcher inleds torsdagen den 10 augusti. skriven av - Kristian Pälviä kontaktperson - Lewis Hamilton |

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Publicerad: 2006-08-11
Senast uppdaterad: 2008-11-21